Make More Money with Clients

Online Course for Professionals

So many things in today’s market are out of our control, from the price of supplies to consumer confidence to the unpredictability of the weather. Though these factors do have a real effect upon your bottom line, this course focuses instead on three other key areas that you can absolutely leverage to realize your earning potential. In the salon, productivity depends on how wisely you use your time, how deep and broad your client pool is, and how well you can put the two together to get the most out of the clients you have in the time available.

Price: $17.95
Duration: 1 hour (instant certificate of completion)
Length of Access: 60 days
  • Thrive in Your Career

    This course's interactive activities, engaging videos, and fun quizzes will take your knowledge to the next level.

  • Learn At Your Own Pace

    You'll have access to this class for 60 days. Stop and start as your schedule allows. Don't worry—your progress will be saved.

  • Embrace Real Results

    You'll be able to apply what you learn right away in your day-to-day world. Get ready to experience real results.

What to Expect

This course will take you through the following:

Executing Time Management and Organizational Skills: How to maximize your time and organization.

Developing and Practicing New Client Building Strategies: Learn new strategies for acquiring new clients.

Examining and Implementing Daily Earning Potential: Examine and implement effective strategies to increase your income.

This is just part of the Make More Money series

Don't forget to check out the other five courses that make up our series:

Increase your paycheck by improving your client building strategy.

Soft and business skills contribute to 80% of your financial success as a salon or spa professional.


  • Why should I attend this course?

  • How is this course structured?

    This course will begin with an introduction of what to expect. Then you will have the chance to download resources that you may want to reference during the course. Once that is complete you can view the course that consists of 3 lessons. After the course there will be a 10-question final exam, once you pass with a 70%+, you can download your certificate of completion.

  • Will I get a certificate of completion?

    Yes. Immediately following the course you’ll be able to download your certificate of completion.