5 Soft Skills Every Beauty Pro Needs No Matter Where They Are in Their Career

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Expert Career AdviceBuilding a Future ➜ 5 Soft Skills Every Beauty Pro Needs

You could be a wiz with a razor. A miracle worker when it comes to problem skin. A nail tech who's always ahead of the curve. A massage therapist with truly gifted hands. Or a stylist who can color hair like a boss.

But none of that will matter if you're always running late with appointments. Or you don't know how to have delicate conversations with clients. Or it takes you forever to recover from a bad review.

Yes, technical proficiency is essential to your beauty career. (That's what licensure is all about, right?) But technical skills will only get you so far. If you really want to rock your beauty career—or take it to the next level—you need to master vital soft skills, too.

"What?!" you groan. "There's even more stuff to learn and master?"

Don't worry: Milady's got your back! Below, you'll find a solid overview of five critical soft skills, a self-evaluation survey for each skill, and tips and strategies for practicing and perfecting these skills so they begin to feel like second nature.

Soft Skill #1: Resiliency

Resiliency is all about the ability to bounce back during difficult times. Maybe you're struggling with a stretch of negative reviews. Or a month where you seem to have more no-shows than clients. Or something that no one saw coming, like a pandemic.

You can't stop bad stuff from happening. It's a part of life. What you do have control over is your response. How you react in the face of adversity matters. Resiliency is what you're aiming for: to bounce back, pivot, learn, grow, and move forward.

Here’s the thing, though: Resiliency is one of those skills you need to work on throughout life. You'll never master it, not completely. (Because just when you think you can handle anything, life will throw you a curveball.) But you can develop resiliency—and get better at it.

How to develop resiliency

1. Be present in the challenging moments and acknowledge what you're feeling.

Resiliency isn't about ignoring our emotions or the bad things that might be happening in our lives. It's OK to acknowledge what you're feeling during the rough times. The key is making sure you don't allow yourself to have knee-jerk reactions "in the moment." Vent frustrations, anger, sadness, and disappointments in healthy ways, such as journaling or talking to a trusted friend, mentor, or therapist.

Jessica D. Oliver earned her nail technology license in August of 2020 and opened The Rusty Nail Salon in Montrose, Colorado. When it comes to developing resiliency, she says that thinking about the situation itself and not the emotions that she feels about the situation can help her move forward.

"Poor reviews and challenging clients are a part of starting out in the nail industry," she explains. "There is no way to avoid it. You must be resilient in these situations and take the good lessons from it, then use it to become more successful."

2. Embrace effective coping mechanisms.

One person's path to resiliency will look different from someone else's. Don't compare. Find healthy coping mechanisms that work for you. Psychology Today says, "Coping mechanisms are skills we all have that allow us to make sense of our negative experiences and integrate them into a healthy, sustainable perspective of the world."

Positive coping mechanisms include physical exercise, journaling, meditation, and even simply taking a few deep belly breaths to reset and re-calibrate.

3. Look for solutions rather than dwelling on the problem.

Acknowledging your feelings is important. But there's a big difference between acknowledging and dwelling. Instead of dwelling, start focusing on finding solutions. No, not every solution is simple—or obvious. And not every solution will "solve" every aspect of your problem.

Take the pandemic, for example. You alone couldn't "solve" the pandemic. So much remained out of our control. But think of the steps you could take, like brushing up on infection control measures in your workplace or finding inventive ways to market yourself.

Going back to some of the earlier examples . . . Let's say you've suddenly gotten a bunch of negative reviews. Once you acknowledge the initial sting/hurt, take a step back and read the reviews with a critical eye. Is there a common theme? Are the reviews pointing out something that you can fix? (For example, if people are complaining that you're always running late, what can you do to address this issue?) Again, don't dwell. Look for solutions.

Monica Richendrfer is the Director of Education at Jolie Health and Beauty Academy. When it comes to resiliency, she agrees that dwelling is not the way to go. "You need to be a windshield person and not a rear view mirror person," she explains, "although it is important to learn and grow from your life experiences [that] did not get the results you needed . . . I couldn't have been part of this industry since 1985 if I didn't have resiliency. Be willing to admit you need to grow and change to have longevity in the beauty industry."

4. Work with a mentor.

A mentor is usually someone who's "been there, done that." They understand the industry and the challenges you're facing within it. In a formal mentoring relationship, you agree to meet every week or every other week to discuss challenges, set goals, and learn from one another. More informal mentoring relationships might involve having a go-to person you can pick up the phone and call when you're facing a particularly difficult moment.

5. Make plans and set goals.

One of the ways to bounce back is by planning what to do next. Did you get a bunch of bad reviews? Have a down quarter? Got turned down by the bank for a business loan? Lost a couple of great employees to a competitor? Or maybe a competitor has moved in across the street?

Whatever the challenge, take a step back and focus on the solution (as we suggested above). Do you have a solution in mind? How do you go about implementing it? Not all solutions require grand plans, but some will. And as with any grand plan, you need to create action items and set goals.

For example, if you've gotten a bunch of bad reviews recently, your goal might be to ask every happy client this week to consider leaving you a review. An action item might be to send an email or text to the client with the request and a link to the review site to make it super easy for them to write their review. You get the idea. Creating an action plan is an excellent antidote to feeling weak or helpless.

Self-evaluation survey: How resilient are you?

  • When something negative happens in your professional life, how do you respond? Do you dwell? Does everything else fall apart? Do you act inappropriately? Or do you take stock and make a plan?
  • Do you have healthy coping mechanisms? For example, do you have someone you can trust to talk to? Or are you turning to things that might hurt more than they help (e.g., self-medicating or self-harm)?
  • Have you ever asked for or received feedback from colleagues/managers that suggests you need to work on your resiliency? For example, have you ever heard something like this from an employer: "You do X well, but whenever Y happens, you tend to do Z, which is a problem"? This would indicate you have some work to do. There's no shame in that! Resiliency is a lifelong pursuit and a process.
  • Do you ever look at other people, like colleagues or friends, and wonder "How did they overcome that challenge? I could never do that!" If you're always wondering how other people get ahead while you seem "stuck" or falling backwards, it could be a sign that you need to work on your resiliency.

Soft Skill #2: Communication

Everyone knows that solid communication skills are important. But how often are you thinking about this skill in your daily work life? If the answer is "not often" or "never," then move this soft skill to the top of your to-do list! Because solid communication skills are a must for beauty profs. And the most effective communicators regularly think about and work on this skill.

Joel Goyco has his cosmetology license and cosmetology educator license. He currently works behind the chair at Studio 924 Salon & Spa in Pennsylvania, and he instructs students at Empire Beauty School in Lehigh Valley. He says, "I feel communication skills are important in regard to remaining resilient and pursuing goals. We have to be able to remain transparent with our peers and guests for the sake of positive and peaceful communication in the workplace. I find that most misunderstandings come from a lack of communication."

Joel is spot-on with his assessment. Every day, beauty pros are working with clients and colleagues. Every encounter offers an opportunity to have a communication "win" or "fail." No pressure, right?

But it's not just how you communicate with others that matters. You also need to work on how you communicate with yourself.

You know that little critic in your head? If the critic is providing constructive criticism, great. But if the critic is always whispering negatives in your ear, take notice. Negative self-talk can be just as damaging as negative conversations with clients, colleagues, and employers—and possibly even more so since you can't escape your inner critic.

How to develop stronger communication skills

1. Practice active listening.

There's a popular saying that goes like this: You have two ears and one mouth. Use them proportionately. In other words, you should listen more than you talk. But it's not enough to simply listen. HOW you listen makes a difference.

Simply saying "uh-huh" to someone as they talk while you're thinking of something else isn't active listening. Instead, you must focus. Make eye contact when possible, pay attention to the person's nonverbal communication, ask open-ended questions, and reflect back what is said to make sure you understand.

2. Pay attention to nonverbal communication.

So much is said in what's left unsaid. If you ask someone how they are, and they say "Oh, I'm fine," but they don't smile or their shoulders sag, you know there's more to the story. And how you approach that client should be different from the client who responds “Great!” and offers a genuine smile.

No, it's not your job to pry. But it is your job to pay attention and recalibrate. When something is obviously wrong—it might be big or small—you might approach the client a little more gently as a result (and ultimately provide a much more beneficial service to them in the process). And all because you simply noticed the nonverbal cues they were offering.

3. Role play.

Some of us do this naturally and play out different scenarios in our head. Just make sure you have a mix of positive scenarios—don't make them all negative!

For example, if you're a stylist, practice having a color consultation. If someone is requesting a color based on a celebrity picture, but the color won't flatter their skin tone, how would you sensitively and diplomatically share your thoughts?

If a skincare client is reluctant to share her list of medications, how would you explain to her why it's important, given your work as an esthetician? You get the idea.

This can be something you do on your own—you can play both roles. But it's also a great exercise to do with colleagues or a mentor.

4. Plan out difficult conversations.

This goes hand-in-hand with the above. If you know there's a difficult conversation on the horizon—maybe you're giving your two-weeks' notice, maybe you need to reprimand one of your employees, or maybe you need to have a serious conversation with a client—plan out what you're going to say. Write down the points you want to make (writing them down will help you remember them better). Then, as suggested above, role play.

5. Limit negative self-talk.

Learn how to shut down your inner critic. It could be something as simple as saying in your head (or even out loud): "What you're saying doesn't serve me. I'm not going to listen to you, so you might as well stop." Then, stop listening. Distract yourself if necessary. Start singing a song, call a friend, watch an episode of a favorite show, read a book. (Here are more tips from Forbes for taming your inner critic.)

6. Get out of your comfort zone.

We know communicating can be downright hard for many of us. We might adore people in general and love the beauty industry, but we prefer listening rather than talking. And maybe we're really awesome listeners! But communication is a two-way street. Yes, you need to listen actively. But you also need to communicate your own thoughts, emotions, and needs effectively and clearly.

So if you're someone who gets especially tongue-tied, just know there are things you can do to build this skill. Many networking groups often require people to stand up and introduce themselves. Perfecting an "elevator" pitch so it becomes second nature to you is something you can learn how to do. Want to go even further? Consider joining an improv group or an organization like Toastmasters. Both will force you to learn how to think quickly on your feet.

Self-evaluation survey: Are you a good communicator?

  • Do you often walk away from conversations wishing you said something else or said something differently? It's normal to have some moments like that, but if you find that you're constantly kicking yourself for saying the wrong thing (or for not saying enough), take it as a sign.
  • Do you get tongue-tied when someone is angry with you or even when they're praising you? Again, it happens sometimes, but if it's a regular occurrence, even when the conversation is positive, you might want to work on developing your communication skills.
  • Do you miss important points in conversations or opportunities to ask good follow-up questions because you're too busy thinking of what you're going to say next? Remember, active listening involves focusing on what the other person is saying. The good news? With practice, you can improve.
  • Do your reviews from clients and/or employers suggest issues with your communication skills? When it comes to reviews, look for themes. If more than one person is saying the same or similar things, pay attention.
  • Do your clients often end up unhappy or dissatisfied with a service that could have been prevented through a stronger consultation? The best consultations are interactive—yes, you need to listen closely to your client. But you also need to make sure that what they're asking for is realistic. Realigning someone's expectations isn't always easy, but with stronger communication skills, you'll be able to navigate this better—and have happier clients as a result.

Soft Skill #3: Emotional Intelligence

We've all heard of IQ (intelligence quotient). But emotional quotient (EQ) or "emotional intelligence" (EI) is also a real thing. Here's how Verywell Mind defines it: "Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to perceive, control, and evaluate emotions."

For beauty professionals, we'd argue that having strong emotional intelligence is just as important as having strong technical skills—and maybe even more so.

How's that? Well, think about it. In the beauty industry, you demonstrate technical proficiency by getting licensed. But there's no test for EI. And while technical expertise is important, it's not the be-all, end-all, is it?

Everything that happens around the technical work—the client-building, the consultations, the marketing, the conflict management—involves so much more than simply book smarts. In other words, the street smarts can make such a big difference in your day-to-day and long-term success, like how to read people, how to read a room, and even how to read yourself.

Not to mention emotional intelligence plays a BIG role in helping beauty professionals navigate that fine line between personal and professional. Sure, ours is a personal profession, and it's natural—especially for those of us who are more extroverted—to be chatty, to share, and to create those bonds that beauty pros are famous for. But keeping healthy boundaries is also important. And having a solid emotional intelligence can help you do exactly that.

How to develop emotional intelligence

1. Learn healthy ways to channel emotions.

We all need to vent frustrations. But how you vent and where you choose to vent are part of the formula. For example, blowing up at a customer in the middle of a busy salon isn't the answer. Excusing yourself for a moment and going to a backroom for some deep breaths would be a better choice.

No, deep breathing alone won't solve the problem. You'll need to address the issue, which might involve having an honest (and private) conversation with the client. But learning how to effectively manage your emotions, especially when you feel your temper flaring, will put you on the path to stronger emotional intelligence.

2. Learn to read the room.

This goes back to the communication piece above, specifically non-verbal gestures. Someone with high emotional intelligence always pays attention to the subtle signs going on around them.

Does your client's smile fade at some point during the consultation? Does a new client seem unusually nervous or jumpy to your touch? Are you sensing displeasure from your manager?

Being able to develop this skill will help you stay ahead of issues before they escalate.

Joel Goyco from Studio 924 Salon & Spa says, "You have to be able to remain aware and read the room! I also suggest that all beauty pros stay on top of classes and continuing education to continue to prosper. There are many curriculums out there (such as Milady). All the information we could ever ask for is right at our fingertips."

3. Review situations that didn't go well and identify what you can do differently next time.

You won't get it right every time. But a person with a strong EQ can take that important step back and look at the situation critically.

Could you have communicated differently/better? Is there something you can still do to address the situation? Did you miss critical signs that the situation was going sideways?

For example, maybe you were terse with a colleague when you got to work this morning because you'd just had a fight with your roommate about the rent. If this were to happen again—something upsetting happening at home before you get to work—what could you do differently to ensure your mood is better?

Maybe it would involve sitting quietly in your car for five minutes and meditating before entering the salon. Maybe it would involve being even more mindful of everything that comes out of your mouth until you've calmed down.

You should also identify if there's a way to fix the situation, even after the fact. Someone with a strong EQ has no problem saying the words "I'm sorry."

Regarding the example about the terse interaction with a colleague . . . You could reach out to the person privately and say, "I'm sorry for being short with you earlier today. I was feeling stressed about X. But that doesn't give me the right to take it out on my colleagues. I'm sorry."

4. Read, read, read.

There's no shortage of tips, tricks, and helpful articles geared towards developing your EQ. Here's a good one from Harvard Extension School. And another from Inc.com. Or if phone apps are your thing, you're in luck, because plenty exist. Check out this article about eight must-have EQ apps and tools.

Self-evaluation survey: How's your emotional intelligence?

  • Do you tend to be a good judge of character or do you constantly misread clients and colleagues? People with high EQ tend to "get" many different types of people, an important skill for beauty pros.
  • Would you describe your emotions like a roller coaster or are you even-keeled? People with high EQ tend to have better control over their emotions—including when, where, and how they vent and let off steam.
  • Do you think negative feedback is simply that—negative? People with strong emotional intelligence tend to see all feedback, even the stuff that's hard to hear, as constructive and an opportunity to grow.
  • Are you able to let go, disconnect, and move on? If you're shaking your head and thinking, "I can never let go" or "I tend to hold grudges," then it might be a signal to work on boosting your EQ.

Soft Skill #4: Empathy

Empathy is a vital people skill. And since beauty pros work with people all day long, it's essential you spend time working on this skill if it's at all out of whack.

So what is empathy, exactly? Greater Good Magazine says, "Emotion researchers generally define empathy as the ability to sense other people's emotions, coupled with the ability to imagine what someone else might be thinking or feeling."

They break it down further into two types: affective empathy (the feelings you experience in relation to others' emotions) and cognitive empathy (your ability to identify and understand people's emotions). We often refer to the latter as "walking in someone else's shoes." A good example of the former is when we cry because we see someone else crying and in pain.

Any given day, with any given client, you'll be facing a barrage of emotions. Happiness, sadness, depression, fear, loneliness, anxiety . . . the list is endless. Developing an ability to identify what someone is experiencing—and trying to put yourself in their shoes . . . this is the critical piece—can help you better serve them.

The key to empathy isn't trying to fix or solve the unfixable. And it's not about trying to make someone feel better or see things differently, either. Instead, it's bearing witness to what they're experiencing and showing/expressing that you understand why they're feeling the way they are.

So, for example . . .

Let's say a person comes in for a service and you learn her husband recently died. She starts to tear up and feels embarrassed for showing emotion. An empathetic response might be something like, "Let the tears come. It's OK and certainly understandable. When I lost my grandma, I was amazed how the tears could sneak up on me out of nowhere. Would you like to take a couple minutes to use the restroom or perhaps have a cup of water?"

(Note: this example also shows the difference between empathy and sympathy. A sympathetic person would say "I'm so sorry for your loss." There's nothing inherently wrong with that statement. With sympathy, there tends to be a little more distance between you and the person. You feel sorry for the person, but you're not necessarily working towards putting yourself in their shoes.)

Or let's say a colleague is going for a second license in another discipline, and she just learned she didn't pass the licensing exam. You can certainly empathize with that, right? You remember the worries/anxiety when you took your exam. Who knows? Maybe you didn't pass yours on the first go-round. So, a good empathetic response might be "Ugh! I'm so sorry. You've been working so hard, and I know that's got to really hurt."

Empathy is particularly relevant in the beauty profession right now. The racial awakening in 2020 has resulted in many honest conversations, particularly in different industries, about subjects like diversity and representation. For beauty professionals, this means being sensitive to people of all skin types and hair types—and to recognize that you need to listen closely to people of color and the challenges they face. 

Empathetic people also look for common ground, another important point, especially given the polarizing landscape we all find ourselves in right now. If a client or colleague expresses a viewpoint you disagree with, arguing is not the best strategy. (And no, we’re not suggesting that you need to change your own principles or that you should stand by and accept truly egregious, offensive behavior or outbursts.)

But, instead, an empathetic person will look for common ground, try to read between the lines, and maybe even ask gentle questions to gain a better understanding of that person's point of view. And for truly off-topic subjects (politics and religion are always fraught), an empathetic person—and truly skilled communicator—will shift the conversation into more neutral territory.

How to develop empathy

1. Learn how to listen better.

Learning how to listen can go a long way in helping a person become more empathetic. Re-read the section on active listening above. And check out these TED talks on how to become a better listener.

2. Seek to understand different viewpoints by asking thoughtful, open-ended questions.

You're not going to agree with everything your clients or colleagues say. But think of a differing viewpoint as an opportunity to hear the other side and to perhaps learn something new. When you engage with someone about a different viewpoint, keep an open mind and say something like, "That's an interesting point. I hadn't thought of it that way. Can you tell me a little more about X?"

Monica Richendrfer from Jolie Health and Beauty Academy offers this advice: "Everyone you meet has been placed in front of you for one of two purposes: So you can learn something from them or so you can teach them something. When you start looking for those two objectives with every person you meet it will change how you perceive others."

3. Pay attention to/spend time with empathetic people.

Whether it's at work or other areas of your life, seek out empathetic people. Pay attention to how they interact with others. Model your own behavior after theirs.

4. Ask for feedback.

Not sure if you're empathetic? Or do you think you are, but maybe want to confirm it? Or maybe you know you're not as empathetic as you should be, but you're not sure what your biggest weakness is? Talking to a trusted colleague, mentor, and/or friend can give you insight on what you need to work on.

5. Be mindful of your own nonverbal gestures.

Empathetic people are often described as very warm, welcoming, and safe. We tend to feel comfortable in an empathetic person's presence. Often, this has to do with the person's own aura. They make eye contact, but their face doesn't betray any judgment. Their body posture is "open" and relaxed (no crossed-arms or defensive stances).

Pay attention to how your body responds to certain situations. Do you find your body tensing up when a client shares a point of view you disagree with? Do you find yourself shrinking away if a colleague starts to get upset? Sometimes just making ourselves more physically present and available in the moment can help us focus on being more empathetic in that particular moment.

6. Become more self-aware.

Joel Goyco from Studio 924 Salon & Spa says, "Being self-aware means being open to accepting your own strengths and weaknesses, the worst of yourself and the best of yourself."

By learning how to see and accept your own strengths and (especially) weaknesses, you'll have an easier time seeing that other people have similar combinations. No one is perfect, after all.

Self-evaluation survey: Are you empathetic?

  • Do you have trouble reading the room or being able to read a situation? Empathetic people are known for being perceptive. In fact, it's not unusual for someone to comment to an empathetic person "Wow, you know me so well." Or "It's like you read my mind." If this doesn't describe you, not to worry—it just means you need to work on developing this skill.
  • Do you often feel you say the wrong thing? Saying the wrong thing can happen to the best of us from time to time. But if you constantly think "Hmm, maybe I should have said that differently" you probably could stand to work on developing your empathy muscle.
  • Have you ever been described by others as unapproachable or standoffish? If no one has ever said this to you, but you suspect you might be seen this way, listen to your gut. And then ask people you trust to be honest with you.
  • Are you quick to judge or disagree with people? Remember, empathy is all about walking in someone else's shoes so that you can attempt to understand why they think and feel the way they do. If you're quick to judge and dismiss someone you disagree with, you haven't done the work of walking in their shoes.

Soft Skill #5: Time Management

Time management matters in every industry, but especially in the beauty profession since time is money.

Time management is also something that many newer beauty professionals struggle with. They might rock the technical skills and they might be great with clients, but if they're spending four hours on a service that should only be two, well . . . that's a problem for everyone: the beauty pro, the client, and the employer.

The good news is that out of all the skills we mention in this article, time management is the most "learnable" since it's extremely measurable.

How to develop time management skills

1. Start keeping track of your time and notice where you falter.

For a week or so, simply keep track of your time from the minute you get up to when you go to sleep. (Because timing issues in our personal lives can absolutely spill over into the professional and vice versa.) Observe, don't judge. You're simply recording what's happening.

What sends you off the rails? Something at home? Do you consistently underestimate how long something will take, like getting to work? Are you trying to squeeze too much into a day?

2. Find solutions for timing issues that are within your control.

Look at your journal and identify the timing issues that you have control over. For example, do you tend to be a little slower with a specific service, but you always think you'll be faster? Maybe be more realistic in how you schedule that service.

Or if the pace you're working is a problem, see what you can do to get faster. Observe a colleague delivering the same service. Is there a strategy you can implement that might save time? Or do you simply have to accept that the time you put into this service is what's necessary—and you schedule around it accordingly?

Another example: Do you often oversleep, which means you're rushing and starting off late? What changes can you make in your life to solve this problem? Maybe it involves going to bed an hour earlier. Or maybe it involves having a clock radio blasting in another room, so you're forced to get out of bed when your alarm goes off.

Do you tend to chat too much during consultations? Set a timer for how long you can talk. And when it goes off, wrap up the consult. You can even tell the client, "I'm challenging myself to be even more efficient with client consultations. So let's focus on YOU and what brings you here today. We can catch up on our latest Netflix obsessions once we get started."

Jessica D. Oliver from The Rusty Nail Salon says, "When you're enjoying working with a client, it's easy to get carried over your time. To combat this, I have a clock on my desk and in other spots around my salon so I can see how much time I have left at a glance. Practicing my routine and knowing exactly what tools I need to have in arm's reach has also helped a lot with timing."

3. Mind the money gaps.

One of the issues with time management isn't so much that you're running late. You might be managing client services just fine. The challenge is in those pesky little gaps in your schedule. You know, fifteen minutes here, fifteen minutes there.

Ask yourself this: Do you always feel busy—sometimes too busy—and yet you're not happy with the amount of money you're making? Look for those 15-minute gaps in your work schedule. If you have four of those in one day, that's an hour of time that could be used for a service—and could be more money in your pocket.

What can you do to have fewer gaps? Can you schedule tighter? Can you approach how you book certain services differently? Are you billing longer services appropriately?

Jessica D. Oliver shares her thoughts on this issue: "Time, in the most literal sense, is money. Whether you're working commission or booth renting, deciding your price by time is essential. If a four-hour service costs $20, you are making $5 an hour. This is less than the standard minimum wage for the USA and probably not even covering your costs. Effective time management means more money in less time and a lower cost for clients."

4. Get an app.

Luckily, the catch phrase "There's an app for that" absolutely applies to time management. You can find dozens and dozens of phone apps geared towards helping you manage your time better. Here's a great list of the top forty-three time management apps for 2021. You're bound to find at least one that works for you!

Self-evaluation survey: How are your time management skills?

  • Are you always running late/running behind? There's a big difference between having an occasional bad day and always running late. Be honest with yourself.
  • Do you always feel stressed out? People can be stressed for a variety of reasons, but "not enough time" often tops the list.
  • Do clients complain about having to wait? Some might say something to your face. Others often vent in their reviews. If you're hearing the same complaints about your lack of time management, pay attention.
  • Do you struggle to finish services in reasonable timeframes? Do you find yourself often saying or thinking "That took a lot longer than it should have"? That's a good sign that something is "off" with your time management skill set.

Remember, these soft skills are within your reach.

Hey, you made it through beauty school, right? You learned the technical skills needed to succeed. With time and practice, you can improve upon these important soft skills as well. And they are most definitely worth pursuing.

As Monica Richendrfer from Jolie Health and Beauty Academy says, "Understand that you are a part of an industry which has a lot of power and responsibility. A license to touch is a huge responsibility. And your ability to make people feel better about themselves is about the best SUPER POWER you could have."

We couldn't agree more.

Learn, reflect, grow. Lather, rinse, repeat. You got this!

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